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Throw Away Your pH Tester: Balancing Soil pH with Natural Amendments - GROWGANICA

Throw Away Your pH Tester: Balancing Soil pH with Natural Amendments

Balancing soil pH naturally can improve plant health without the need for constant pH testing and adjustments. Here’s how you can maintain optimal soil pH using Growganica products and organic practices.
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Organic Fertilizers: Unlearning Everything You Knew About NPK - GROWGANICA

Organic Fertilizers: Unlearning Everything You Knew About NPK

When growing plants organically, you might notice that the NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) values on organic fertilizer packages are often lower than those on synthetic fertilizers. This difference reflects the distinct ways in which these fertilizers supply nutrients to plants.
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Microbes Might Just Save the Planet - GROWGANICA

Microbes Might Just Save the Planet

Microbes are tiny organisms that live in the soil and play a crucial role in the health of plants. Without these tiny helpers, plants wouldn't be able to grow as well, and the world would be a much less vibrant place. But not only do microbes help plants grow, they also have the potential to save the world from some of the most pressing environmental problems we face today.
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